Everything we do at Covenant must be done for Christ for he is supreme over all things (Col 1); including the academic, sporting, creative and cultural spheres.
Throughout their educational journey, we are training each child to work at every task wholeheartedly as working for the Lord. As we partner with parents in the nurture of their children, we are seeking to grow resilient, passionate and faithful followers of Jesus who are equipped to live for His glory.
Principal's welcomeChristian education fosters a worldview where all things are rightfully under the lordship of Christ. This also means that our students learn in an environment shaped by the knowledge that they are known and loved by God.
A framework for Christian educationEverything we do at Covenant must be done for Christ for he is supreme over all things (Col 1); including the academic, sporting, creative and cultural spheres.
The Bible is the complete word of God and carries his authority. It is the lens through which students are taught to view the world and engage with the curriculum.
With every subject being presented from a Christian worldview, our students are trained to engage with the different perspectives they encounter in their learning.
Our students are engaged in an enriching learning environment, where all students benefit from a rigorous approach to teaching and learning.
Covenant Prep is a school readiness program designed to prepare children for the start of their formal schooling adventure.
Covenant Junior School offers a dynamic and stimulating educational program where teachers guide students to grow into confident learners.
Covenant Secondary School has passionate teachers who are highly qualified and have the expertise, personal conviction and training needed to teach their subjects from a Christian perspective.
A Covenant we only employ passionate Christian staff who understand each child deeply and are committed to embedding a biblical framework in all the curriculum.
Read moreOur community at Covenant is made up of over 550 families from 160 churches. Our school acts as an extension of the family home, nurturing children to live for God's glory.
Learn moreThe seminar format of the evening will provide an opportunity for parents to see modelled examples of the analytical writing structure that the English faculty is using with Years 7 to 12. This wil...
Congratulations to the Class of 2024! We are thrilled to congratulate the class of 2024 on their exceptional HSC results! Our students have demonstrated remarkable diligence, perseverance, and res...
Covenant students (and Mr Smithies!) have been going to the indigenous shire of Yarrabah since 2006. Alex, one of our Year 11 students who went there earlier this year, sat down with Deputy Princip...
The seminar format of the evening will provide an opportunity for parents to see modelled examples of the analytical writing structure that the English faculty is using with Years 7 to 12. This wil...