Tue 21 Jan 4:00pm - Thu 28 Mar 10:30am
Covenant Christian School was established to provide a Christian education for the children of parents who believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord of every aspect of life, including education.
We employ passionate Christian teachers who understand that each child is created in the image of God and model to their students the confidence and deep hope we have in Christ.
Covenant provides an enriching and supportive learning environment that inspires students to work to the best of their abilities. This includes teaching and learning practices in every classroom, as well as extension and enrichment, and learning support.
Secondary School is a time of great change and development for all students. Character continues to form and be refined. It is an important part of life where godly role-models are so important. Covenant continues biblically-grounded learning throughout Secondary School, encouraging students to ask the difficult questions, to extend their learning and abilities, and to build a foundation of faith that they will carry with them throughout their lives.
Please join us for a tour of Covenant and explore how a Christ-centred education can make a difference to your child.Wendy Boase, Registrar
We invite you to come and explore Prep, Kindy and all of Junior School on 28th March 2025. On the day you will:
Take home an enrolment pack where you can read more about our Vision & Mission, view the school Prospectus and much more to assist you as you consider schooling for your children.
You will also have the opportunity for a tour of the Secondary School.
We look forward to meeting you and your family onsite and can't wait to share the difference a Christian education at Covenant can make for your child.
If you are interested in finding out more about our school - either Junior or Secondary School, or both, there is a group tour that will suit you. Our full list of tours for the coming months is available for you to select and book. Further dates will be available for booking as the year progresses.
The next whole school group tours are Thursday 6 March at 9.15am and Monday 12 May at 9.15am.
Take home an enrolment pack where you can read more about our Vision & Mission, view the school Prospectus and much more to assist you as you consider schooling for your children.
We look forward to meeting you and your family onsite and can't wait to share the difference a Christian education at Covenant can make for your child.