Catch up on reports from past events and news items.
Our Extension and Enrichment Coordinator, Amanda Drain, is passionate about growing great thinkers! She does this in classrooms every day, but she also wants to support parents to grow great thinkers in their homes! In the video below, Amanda chats to Emily Smith, who teaches Kindergarten to Year 9 Extension and Enrichment, about growing curious, deeper thinkers.
Congratulations to the Class of 2024! We are thrilled to congratulate the class of 2024 on their exceptional HSC results! Our students have demonstrated remarkable diligence, perseverance, and resilience, supported every step of the way by our dedicated teachers. This year, approximately 24% of our students achieved an ATAR over 90. Special congratulations to Matthew, who earned our highest ATAR of 97.4, and to the seven students who achieved an ATAR over 95. The 2024 cohort received an…
Here’s an in-depth look at Service Learning and its significance here at Covenant: Core principles of Service Learning Embedded in Curriculum: Service learning is not a standalone program but an integral part of our educational framework. It is embedded in the curriculum, ensuring that students engage in service activities as a natural expression of their learning.Authentic Engagement: Effective service learning involves understanding and addressing the real needs of the community. This…
Why are we running a mission trip to Japan? The desire to run a mission trip to Japan initially came out of the Japan Service Tour in 2023. Our students attended a church service in Osaka where they were greeted so warmly by the Japanese people who had never seen so many teenage Christians. The simple act of attending their church service brought such joy to these people that it occurred to us, perhaps we can do more. From there it grew into an awareness of the need for the gospel to reach…
Covenant students (and Mr Smithies!) have been going to the indigenous shire of Yarrabah since 2006. Alex, one of our Year 11 students who went there earlier this year, sat down with Deputy Principal, Tim Smithies, and asked him about the value of the Yarrabah trip for our students and how God has been at work.
How will this refurbishment impact school activities? We understand that construction can raise concerns, particularly with important events like the HSC exams. Rest assured, we are taking every precaution to minimise any disruptions: Noise Sensitivity: The builders will be highly sensitive to noise levels, ensuring minimal impact during the construction period.Proximity to HSC Exams: The building is located 100 meters away from the main HSC exam area, so we anticipate no interference with the…
We are thrilled to let our community know an exciting project that is about to get underway at Covenant - the Learning Hub Redevelopment. With the Development Application now approved by the Northern Beaches Council, building is set to commence later this year. Before you view the project details, we thought you would love to hear more about this upcoming project from Covenant's Business Manager, Andrew Lowry.
What a blessing it is to start each day in God’s word. As teachers at Covenant, it is so encouraging to meet together every morning for devotions and prayer. It is an opportunity to keep reflecting on how great God is and how dependant we are on His wisdom and guidance for our lives. During the July holidays, several of our staff attended the International Transforming Education Conference 2024 (ITEC) in Perth. It was such an enriching experience – the opportunity to worship together with over…
This is a powerful statement of discipleship. As Jesus’ people we are following the Lord Christ. But we are also following the example of pastors, parents and many others who are themselves following the example of Christ. We each follow the examples we set one another. We are teaching each other what it looks like to be Jesus people, how to live as Christ calls us to live. As disciples of Jesus we are also setting the example for others to follow. This pattern of both following and leading is…