What is the Association?
The Association is a community of people - parents, students, staff and other friends of the school. However, being part of that community, even as a fee-paying parent, does not automatically make you a 'member' of the Association.
The members of the Association are, according to the Constitution, the people who are to take the formal role in governing the school, and therefore it is important that they understand and fully agree with the fundamental goals of the Association - they have to 'share the vision' of our school and must be professing Christians.
They must also agree with the basic theological and education directions that the school has as its basis, which are set out in the Constitution (particularly the 'Educational Creed'). This is supported by the Creed to Curriculum document which sets out how what we believe impacts on every aspect of the school.
There are actually two types of members of the Association: 'Associate' members and 'Full' members. Associate members who become Full members must also subscribe to the Summary Statement of Belief as it is the intent of the Constitution to place even greater doctrinal prerequisites upon those members who may have the responsibility of exercising leadership in the school.
At the Annual General Meeting each year, the members elect a Board of Directors of up to nine Full Association Members.