What a blessing it is to start each day in God’s word. As teachers at Covenant, it is so encouraging to meet together every morning for devotions and prayer. It is an opportunity to keep reflecting on how great God is and how dependant we are on His wisdom and guidance for our lives.

During the July holidays, several of our staff attended the International Transforming Education Conference 2024 (ITEC) in Perth. It was such an enriching experience – the opportunity to worship together with over 1000 Christian teachers, knowing that you are all bound by one common purpose, was transforming in and of itself. Passionate educators from around the globe gathered together to learn and reflect on how a gospel-shaped education can be truly transforming for our young people.

As teachers, this is our deep hope for our students – to see them find meaning, purpose and connection through Jesus in everything they do at school and in life.

At the same time, we ourselves need to be firmly anchored in our own faith and immersed in God’s word so that we too are being filled and equipped to keep going in our mission in Christian education. What a blessing it is to come to work each day and be reminded of God’s goodness, Jesus’ love and the Spirit’s guidance in all that we do.

It is both a joy and a privilege to be a teacher at Covenant.

Silva Mekerdichian
Director of Teaching and Learning

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