We are so excited to send a group of Year 10 students on a mission trip to Japan later this year. We sat down with the Mission Trip Coordinator, Nicole Conway, to hear more about this upcoming trip and learn how we can be praying for them.

Why are we running a mission trip to Japan?

The desire to run a mission trip to Japan initially came out of the Japan Service Tour in 2023. Our students attended a church service in Osaka where they were greeted so warmly by the Japanese people who had never seen so many teenage Christians. The simple act of attending their church service brought such joy to these people that it occurred to us, perhaps we can do more. From there it grew into an awareness of the need for the gospel to reach Japan with only 1% of the population professing Christ. Our students are not only gaining a greater awareness of what it looks like to minister to people from another culture, but also better understanding of what it looks like for them to serve when it isn’t always simple or comfortable.

How will our students be involved in mission work during this trip?

Our students will be partnering and supporting a home church in Yahaba run by the Wong family (a former Covie family). Yahaba is a small rural town in the Lwate Province. The students will be visiting a school and supporting an outreach event. This will include English conversation classes, a video on 'A day in the life of a Covie student', and other activities like making gospel beads and face painting. They will also be attending church services around Yahaba and in Osaka.

How are we preparing our students for the cultural experience and the gospel work they will be doing?

We have had a number of training events already, with more to come. Our students have looked at the WHY of mission as well as what each aspect of our trip looks like from a mission perspective, and how to work together as a team. They have even practiced travelling in a large group on public transport and enjoyed some Japanese cuisine. Our final training will be run by the Wong's mission partner, OMF, a mission organisation proclaiming the good news of Jesus in East Asia.

The trip is less than two months away. What are you excited about?

We are really excited to see how God can use us all in small ways to build his church in Japan. This is the first time we have run this as a mission trip, so we are taking small but exciting steps.

How can our school community support this upcoming trip to Japan?

Please pray for the people of Japan - that God will soften their hearts to his gospel. Please also pray for our students as the move out of their comfort zones and have the opportunity to share their faith in a new environment. Pray also for safe travels and great team building.

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